
There are two schools of thought as to what is “wrong” with me. There is the official diagnonsense. And there is the common sense diagnonsense, the conclusion that most people who know me have come to, that people just assume and is taken as read because, in Koi’s words “It’s so bleeding obvious!”

One fits in places, if you don’t listen very well, if you look only at the very very obvious. The other fits like a glove, explains everything about me, explains all the positives as well as the negatives, makes sense of all my quirks and weirdnesses.

One people laugh at when I say it. The other people just assume to be true, without asking me about it, they just take it as read.

One is guessed at by a man who has met me maybe half a dozen times. The other is understood by people who have gotten to know me, who have seen me in many states, who have an understanding of me and of the thing they believe I have, some of them have it too.

But hey, Me and all those others don’t have a degree in psychology and training in people’s brains.

We just have experience. A lived understanding.

Apparently that doesn’t count.

3 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Zoë Smith
    Apr 22, 2012 @ 10:44:53

    Finding your glove that fits is a very good thing. You don’t need a degree to recognise a glove when you see it, in fact in my experience the more degrees in psychology and training in people’s brains that some people have- the more difficulty they have in recognising gloves.

    I’m glad you have your glove, use it to challenge those who claim to have the degrees and training, slap them round the face with it- duel if needs be.

    I’m sure your glove is a very comfy fit, but I’m sure it raises some questions for you too- and you deserve answers. You deserve help with your glove.



    • persephoneriver
      Apr 22, 2012 @ 19:41:07

      Thankyou. I’m glad I have figured out my glove too. Duelling the Psychologist sounds fun!
      The challenge now that I’ve figured out which glove is mine is to explain to the professionals why the glove fits. Unfortunately the very nature of the glove includes a difficulty to explain my hand and therefore the glove fit. *Doh*.
      I think you are right about degrees, All the book learning and information drowns out their instincts.


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